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6 Steps To Create A Website That Converts Visitors

Know the 6 essential steps that will allow you to convert visitors into customers thanks to the union of key elements on your website.

Do you want to increase conversions through your website? Let's be honest! The fundamental objective for which any entrepreneur or company invests in domains and hosting is to achieve an increase in sales or to obtain data from potential clients.

But, it is not enough to install the site and get it up and running since a conversion-oriented website requires much more than that. This is just one more link of a goodsales funnel.

Create a website for sales requires establishing the correct dialogue with your ideal client. That is, it is necessary that:

Recognize that you have a need.
Know that you have the product or service that it requires to solve it.
Be attracted to your offer.
Have the confidence to buy it in your business.

Below you will find the steps you need to follow so that your website is a complete conversion machine.


1.- The Offer Configuration

It is about understanding the customer's need and establishing an ideal mix of products or services that satisfy it. At this point, a good price can be the great trigger that makes your solution attractive to the ideal customer.

But it's not always like this. If you have detected that you have a differentiating element and that there are people willing to pay more for various reasons, it is not necessary for your business to set a price goal.

It all basically depends on the way in which the market you want to tackle is managed.

The price of a chocolate in Latin America should not be the same as in Dubai, because many Latinos may appreciate the economy more, while in the Asian country they value luxury more.

For the description of your offer it is necessary to clearly specify:

  • The products or services that you sell.
  • What are the benefits they provide.
  • Voucher or gift (Ebook, course, free delivery of another product, free trial, etc)
  • Price reduction (30% discount, 3 for 1, Original Price Vs Promotion).
  • Shortage in time (Only for 24 hours or until the end of existence).
  • Payment facilities (Alternatives of payment, credit or financing).
  • Satisfaction guarantees (24 hour support, money back).

With this mixture you will have a good conversion step gained.

How can my company be better than the competition? How to stand out in the midst of so many competitors?

Sometimes a low level of sales can be the consequence of a badly configured offer or that does not differ from the rest.


2.- Build a Good Dialogue Base

Once you have a good offer, thinking about how to communicate is essential. In an offline sale, it is necessary to establish close and respectful communication, but at the same time with accurate information that highlights the qualities of your products and services.

Your website must have this well-structured dialogue and to enhance it you must use persuasive writing methods.

Your copy needs to include compelling headlines, compelling content that includes social proof, and calls to action that lead the prospect to hand over their details or make a purchase.


3.- Design Also Matters

Design is one of the essential bases to create a good user experience. If you want to be more efficient through this communication channel, you need to take into account several elements.

The overall look should show your brand colors and fonts, as well as a style commensurate with the type of business you have. The design for a page of a law firm should never be the same as that of an amusement park.

The text of your website must be accompanied by images, videos or audios that complement the context and provide communication elements about your offer in an effective way. For this reason, it is necessary to take this work seriously, so do not incorporate any resources that you get on the web.

Part of the design also involves counting a website that has fast loading. If you have built your website with the help of a CMS, then you have to make sure of the aspects that you need to improve to provide a fast load to the user.

Wordpress has specific guidelines to help youimprove the speed of your website. At this point theimage optimization It will also help the user to decide to continue on your site and not abandon it due to a very poor performance.

The language is another aspect to consider, since the translation will help you increase your audience in other latitudes, if you wish. So do not forget to take it into account, since a deficient text in another language can give the wrong message to your future clients.


4.- Implement Effective Communication Channels

On many occasions, clients want to establish the first points of connection with your business. If you have a good page with contact information set up on your site, they might send you some kind of email.

But, many times customers are impatient, so they need a direct channel that responds to their concerns as soon as possible. Link your website with chats or instant messaging services to promote an advance in terms of trust.

You can rely on chatbot services and automate the most common responses, if you are not online all the time. The important thing is to provide the feeling that you have been cared for.


5.- Generate a Good Lead Magnet

Lead magnets are effective means of conversion. These resources will help you get users to provide their data so that you can address it in later opportunities, within the sales funnel.

There are many types of Lead Magnetthat are effective for this purpose. With this you will be able to capture emails, which today are the most effective means to achieve sales within a digital business.

It is important that the forms you use to collect data from your users are not loaded with fields to fill in. Keep them simple, request a name and email or just the latter, remember that the online user is impatient.


6.- Check the Shopping Cart Abandonment Percentage

Abandonment of the shopping cart is a very common act within electronic commerce, which is why some percentages are considered normal within commercial activity.

However, some variables can prevent you from closing a greater number of sales within your website. So evaluate thereasons why users may be abandoning your shopping cart.



Creating web pages that produce high levels of conversion requires the combination of many aspects that need to be evaluated and reformulated with a certain frequency.

There are basic aspects that are essential to consider, which will provide the user with information, generate interest and provoke attraction for your products or services, as a factor of satisfaction of a need.

Between them we have:

  1. Count a good bid setup.
  2. Create good copy or text with persuasive ability.
  3. Implement a good design with complementary communication elements.
  4. Add direct and indirect communication channels.
  5. Have a good lead magnet.
  6. Take into account the causes of shopping cart abandonment.

Thanks for your time ;-)
