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7 Interesting Web Design Trends for 2022: Which One Will You Use?

Find out which are the 7 most interesting web design trends that will set the tone throughout the year 2022.

Have you decided to make 2022 a year of growth for your business? The recommendation is that when you create your action plan, include an evaluation of your attraction and conversion channels, as a refreshment could make a difference.

Web design is one of the priority factors to evaluate if you are looking to generate traction in sales to achieve financial growth. It is a means that must be able to provide all the elements of influence to stimulate the interest of the prospect.

Next, you will find 7 interesting web design trends that will be in force during the year 2022 to favor the positioning of your brand and improve user perception.


1.- Art Deco Design

This style has its origins in Paris in the 20s of the last century. This is a graphic design trend that includes many eclectic styles and materials. It is based on defined lines and patterns, very bright colors, as well as very symmetrical shapes.



This trend is not at odds with minimalism, as you can see it is possible to show elegance and simplicity without the use of many elements. Some of the materials that stand out in art deco are gold, stainless steel and chrome, so you can implement their colors in web design.


2.- Very Large Fonts

This is a style in which the typography itself becomes the most prominent element within the appearance of the web. These unusual sizes communicate both boldness and modernity, and can be implemented in mini or maximalist designs.

Check out this example that incorporates a bit of Art Deco with very large typefaces. Note that it includes few elements, handles contrasting colors and is oriented to the rental of food trucks.



Something more minimalist is this site of editorial designers who use colors and typography to describe what they do. It is a very clean and minimalist proposal that produces curiosity because it is completely out of the ordinary.



It can generate a greater impact if you include interaction capabilities to the sources. See how the site It does so, because the site only contains a menu of large texts that change their shape when they are focused and also perform an action when they are pressed.




3.- Responsible animations

Less is more. Excessive movement can create a confusing user experience that you want to avoid. Many people are sensitive to movement and this can cause dizziness, nausea, headaches, among other conditions.

In this sense, you should be careful with parallax effects, sites that are accelerated with the mouse, content that flickers, high-contrast zooms and transitions.

It includes subtle movements of short duration if you want to highlight a message or make your website more attractive, as well as blinks limited to 3 times. You can provide a motionless version of your site for those sensitive people.

Look at this proposal, how you incorporate movement without generating a greater impact on the brain and highlighting the aspects in which you want the user to focus.



4.- Single Page Sites

Generally, a website is made up of multiple pages. But, this proposal focuses on generating a single document with dynamic content that provides all the necessary information about the brand.

It is an ideal design to market one or very few products or services. See how the famous Nestlé brand does it with its well-known chocolate bars KitKat.



You can also be inspired by this site of a festival that presents a simple design, very creative and with movement.



5.- Gender Options in Forms

One aspect to evaluate is when you need to collect data, there it will be necessary to decide if knowing the gender of the visitor is relevant to your brand. Some companies like Google, included a third option for those who do not identify with the female or male sex.

It is about avoiding expressions that refer to a specific gender in such a way that not only women and men can feel included in the message you emit on your website.

Other companies have chosen not to classify their products and services for a particular genre, like this sportswear brand.



6.- Loading Speed

It is not a great novelty. For some time this has become a major trend that should be taken into account by website designers and developers.

It is a factor that affects not only the user experience, but also the organic positioning within the search engine. Google PageSpeed ​​Insights o Lighthouse are useful tools that will show you those points that can be improved so that you can speed up your website.

There are many factors that can affect the fast or slow loading of a website. Exist specific steps that will help you achieve a better performance of your website made with Wordpress.

But, in general terms, it is about optimizing the images, working with lazy loading, limiting the use of dynamic content and the dependency on plugins.


7.- Fogged and Gradient Glass Effect

Gradients are increasingly used visual effects that provide great appeal with those touches of brightness and depth. They make the graphics and fonts of a website stand out, providing beauty and harmony to the design.

See how he uses them Stripe on their website.



Crystalmorphism is a very elegant and minimalist trend seen on some websites. It is about creating transparent shapes, usually containers, that offer a fogged or frosted glass effect.

If you detail the Stripe image above, please include some of this. But, so that you can see it more precisely, you can see the following design of Sara Salehi on Dribbble.




The design is cyclical and sometimes features some innovations. That is what is generally observed about the web design trends that will set the standards during the year 2022.

There is a penchant for defined lines, patterns, curved and straight fonts, as well as metallic and plastic materials that form the characteristic eclecticism of Art Deco.

Sites made up of huge texts that are the design itself and that are complemented with micro-animations to give greater appeal. The analysis of movement as part of the accessibility that improves the design and is in acceptance by the largest number of visitors.

Single-page sites that focus on dynamism and minimalism that doesn't argue with color are back. Managing gender options to expand sales opportunities.

The emphasis on loading speed continues as this is a relevant factor within the user experience and SEO. The frosted or fogged glass effect as another graphic design trend on the web that is gaining popularity.

Did you like any of these trends? If that is the case, comment which one you would use. Thanks for your time ;-)
