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9 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Website with WordPress

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Website with WordPress

Creating a website can be a daunting task, especially if you are using WordPress for the first time. WordPress has become very popular due to its user-friendly interface and wide range of features.

However, there are some mistakes that need to be avoided when creating a WordPress website. From choosing the wrong theme to not optimizing your content, these mistakes can have a negative impact on website performance and user experience.

In this article we will discuss some of the most common mistakes that users make when building their websites on WordPress.

1.- Select the Wrong Hosting Plan

Often, it is the budget that becomes the deciding factor when choosing a hosting plan to create a WordPress website.

But should you choose the most basic hosting service for a WordPress site?

Settling for a basic hosting plan for a WordPress website may not be a wise decision.

Also, if you've never built a WordPress site before, I recommend checking out the beginner's guide at: Easy Guide – 7 Steps to Create a Website with WordPress

As good as it may seem, the server provided for basic hosting options often comes with resource limitations. These are usually shared web servers. Which means that its resources are shared among all users who use it. Memory, I/O Requests, CPU usage, among others.

Whether it's bandwidth limit, memory limit, storage limit or something else, WordPress can quickly end up using quota limit, especially if you don't know the system requirements for a website built entirely on WordPress. .

As is known, WordPress is a powerful content management system; that allows equipping a website with various functionalities. But with limited server resources, they cannot be fully utilized.

Ultimately, it will be necessary to disable the most powerful features of WordPress to ensure that the website works as expected.

In summary, what is the recommended hosting plan to create a WordPress website? The answer is simple: A Hosting Plan designed and optimized specifically to host websites created with this tool. What is commonly known as "WordPress Hosting Plan”.

And if the use of the platform will be intended for intensive use or with the need to be able to be scalable, the most recommended option is a Virtual Private Server. With the latter, the resources are for the exclusive use of the website, they are not shared, with the benefit that it can be scalable according to the growth of the website. Designed for News Portals, Professional Businesses such as Health Clinics, among other types of use that require both performance and high security.

2.- A Bad Installation - Configuration

Installing WordPress on your website is a great way to create a powerful and dynamic online presence. However, if the installation is not successful, some serious problems can occur.

From security vulnerabilities to slow performance to features that don't work as intended, a bad WordPress installation can cause a lot of headaches.

It is advisable to follow the following steps to put WordPress in a safe place: 10 Things You Should Do After Installing WordPress

3.- Not Using a Maintenance Page

Maintenance pages can be critical to the success of a website. Without a maintenance page, you miss out on important features and functionality for visitors or users.

Not having a maintenance page can lead to a bad user experience, due to broken links and inaccurate content. It can also affect search engine rankings and customer engagement.

Having a maintenance page is a professional way of communicating that the site is precisely in that state and that in a period of time, (minutes, hours, days), it will be active for use.

4.- Do Not Delete Sample Content

Wordpress templates make it easy for anyone to create a website with just a few clicks. However, many of these come with "sample content" that is designed to give potential users an idea of ​​what the website itself might look like.

While this sample content can be helpful at first, it can also be problematic if it's not removed before launching the website. This is because it can confuse search engine bots and make it difficult for users to understand your products or services.

Removing sample content from Wordpress templates before launch is essential to ensure your website runs smoothly and you get the expected results.

5.- Not Taking Safety into Account

All WordPress websites are vulnerable to security threats that can wreak havoc on an online business. It is important that website owners and developers take appropriate measures to ensure security.

Ignoring security aspects can cause malicious actors to gain access to sensitive information, data breaches, and even site downtime.

Using the administrator as a username, using weak passwords, installing unsafe themes or plugins, not making frequent backups, or making periodic updates, both of the WordPress version and of all the plugins or plugins installed on it, are the most basic elements that you should avoid to protect your website from potential intruders.

6.- Not Using an SSL Certificate

Using an SSL certificate on a WordPress website is becoming increasingly vital. This is because it ensures that all data sent between the site and the user's browser is encrypted, thus providing more secure and reliable communication.

This is especially important for websites that handle sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or personal information.

By using an SSL certificate, you can also improve your website's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), as Google rewards websites that have one installed with higher rankings.

Also, having an SSL certificate will increase customer trust in the website, which will help drive conversions and sales.

7.- Make Changes to a Main Theme

When it comes to building a website on WordPress, it's important to understand the concept of parent and child themes. Making changes to a parent theme instead of a child theme can cause a lot of problems, especially for those who are new to WordPress.

Making changes directly in the parent theme is wrong because if the developers of that particular theme release any updates or bug fixes, all the changes will be lost due to the files being rolled back.

Also, there could be compatibility issues with other plugins you may have installed on your website.

On the other hand, by using a child theme, you can make all the necessary modifications without worrying about losing your changes when the developer releases an update or a bug fix, since all your customizations will be stored in the files themselves inside the child theme folder. side theme.

This helps keep the website up-to-date and safe from any potential incompatibility issues from other plugins.

8.- Install Many Plugins

Wordpress is a versatile platform that allows users to install plugins or add-ons to customize the website. However, it is important to remember that too many plugins can cause serious problems.

Installing too many plugins can slow down the loading speed of your website, increase the risk of security breaches, and make it difficult to manage.

It is also possible for plugins to conflict with each other, affecting the functionality of some features and causing problems.

The best approach is to install only those plugins that are absolutely necessary for the website. This will ensure that it runs smoothly and safely with no unnecessary items bogging it down.

9.- Not Keeping It Updated

You can have the most beautiful website on the Internet, but if you do not maintain a regular update policy, both WordPress itself and its plugins or plugins, it can result in an unpleasant experience.

WordPress is the most popular platform on the Internet, which makes it proportionally the most vulnerable.

Hundreds of malicious scripts are created every day to break the security of this platform, which puts it in a high-risk place.

To solve this great inconvenience, both WordPress and the manufacturers of add-ons or plugins take the permanent job of updating their available versions, in order to correct new vulnerabilities.

To avoid experiencing a bad moment and the loss of many hours of work and effort, it is strongly suggested to maintain a policy of updating versions to the most recent possible and periodically.


Creating a website in Wordpress is a medium complexity activity, which can be done by novice users. However, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that will help improve the performance of the website and increase conversions.

From selecting the correct platform, going through a correct installation and executing security actions, all these tips must be taken into account if you want to achieve the marketing results that you have proposed with this digital tool.

It is important to rely on help and technical support services, if you have any questions during the installation. and/or configuration.

Thanks for your time ;-)
