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How to Advertise on YouTube? - Step by Step Guide

According Hootsuite data, YouTube is the second most used digital medium in the world, possessing an active community that amounts to more than 2 billion users.

In this powerful tool, about 1 billion videos are viewed every day, of which, although the percentage is very even, the audience is wider in males than females.

In fact, people who consume content through YouTube spend an average of 23.2 hours of their time per month, which makes it the most used streaming video medium, but also surpasses all social networks in this regard.

Hence, it is a great way to advertise for your business. So let's see how you can run your campaigns through this powerful search engine.




Step 1.- Choose Your Goal

First access Google Ads and click on the blue "Get Started" button to log into your account.



Then, an environment like the following will appear:



Select the "Campaigns" option in the left menu.



There a side menu opens in which it is necessary to select the option "New Campaign" and the following information will appear in which it is necessary to choose the objective you are pursuing.



If you do a pan for each of the options, you will notice that not all of them have "Video" as a type of campaign that can be used. Select the one that best suits what you want to do, among those that include this format.



For this Guide, as an example, we will choose "Consideration of the brand and the product" and then the application will show the beginning of the campaign creation process.



If you choose "Sales" you will get all the possible alternatives, so it is advisable to select "Video" to continue with the YouTube format.

At the back will appear other options referred to the "campaign subtype", to choose according to what you intend to obtain from this advertisement. Then, click on the "Continue" button.




Step 2.- Confirm the Campaign

This space is critical, because it contains the precise information to segment your campaign.

The first element to be incorporated is the "Name of the campaign", so try to make it a clear and precise identifier with which you can recognize the orientation of the campaign quickly and easily.



The Bid Strategy in this case is only associated with Maximum CPV, in which advertisers will pay for video views and other video interactions (such as clicks on call-to-action overlays, cards, and complementary banners. ), whichever comes first.



Then, set the budget and date for the campaign. The normal thing is to assign at least $ 10 per day, but you can assign the amount you want according to your availability.



Then, in the "Networks" section you can choose where you want your videos to appear.



In "Location", select if you want it to take place in "All countries and territories" or in a location that you can add according to your convenience.



In the "Languages" section, you can leave the "All languages" option selected or choose a specific one.



On YouTube, you can choose the type of content in which you want your advertising to be included. For this, it has a section called "Content exclusion". There you can first choose the "Type of Inventory".



Choose "expanded" if you want your advertising to be included in content where there is sensitive information. The "standard" for more or less the content used by the different brands, and finally, the "limited" to exclude sensitive content.

You can also configure the tags and add "related videos", which will be shown to your audience below the content to improve the experience and get more visits to your YouTube account.

It is possible to configure the devices, as well as limit the number of times your advertising will be shown to the same user and schedule the ads if you want them to be shown at specific times or all day.




Step 3.- Create Your Ad Group

A campaign can be made up of one or more ads, that is, videos. If your business has a range of products, the ideal is to create a campaign for each of them.

Then, you can make several ads for the same product, but with different segmentation and thus create A / B tests and verify which of them works better.

For this, groups are formed that have a set of advertisements associated with them.

A campaign contains one or more groups. A group contains one or more announcements.

Ideally, you should name the group the topic with the segmentation. For example, Zumba for young women. Yoga for older adults.



Then, segment according to the audience you want to reach.



You can expand this segmentation by indicating characteristics related to the public that you want to reach, for example, through their interests and habits, by how they interact with the company, and more.

In the "Offer" the "maximum CPV" is the amount that you are willing to pay each time a person sees your ad. This value is paid if the user sees your entire video when it lasts 30 seconds or reaches at least that time if it is longer.


Step 4.- Upload Your Ads

For this, it is necessary to have the video of your ad stored in your YouTube account or upload it at this time. Once you place the URL or upload it, indicate the ad format, that is, if it is In-Streaming, Discovery and Bumper.

In-Streaming ads that cannot be skipped are 15 seconds or less and play before, during, or after any video.

In In-Streams that can be skipped, the video is played automatically and at the end of the first 5 seconds, the user can cancel its playback. They also play before, during and after the chosen content.

Discovery allows your content to appear in search results, alongside related videos, and on the YouTube home page. In the Bumpers the user does not have the option to skip the ad and they have a duration of 6 seconds or less.

Also, indicate the URL address where you want to send the user once they click on your ad. You can redirect your audience to the video on your own channel or to your website, depending on what suits you best.

Upload the complementary Banner, this will be an image that is shown as the cover of your video when the ad is shown in the related videos or to the right of it, on your computer.

Once you do all this, you just have to click on the blue button that indicates "Create a campaign" and that way you will start the publication process.



YouTube is the second most used social media, its users spend more than 20 hours a month consuming its content. With more than 2 billion active users and more than a billion views, it becomes a strong ally for conversions or sales.

To advertise in this medium, you must focus on 4 essential steps:


Choose your goal.
Confirm your campaign.
Create your ad group.
Upload your ads.

Well, I hope this short guide is useful to help you create your next YouTube campaign. The best of successes ;-)
