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How to Write Perfect Prompts and Become a ChatGPT Expert

How to Write Perfect Prompts and Become a ChatGPT Expert

Do you want to become an expert in ChatGPT? Do you want to master the art of writing perfect prompts that make the most of this artificial intelligence? Look no further, here you will find the perfect guide for you!

Writing good prompts is the backbone of ChatGPT, and with the right approach, you can become a pro in no time.

In this article, you will discover step by step how to write these prompts so that you get what you want from artificial intelligence, reducing time and effort in your personal or professional activities.

Get ready to take your prompt writing game to the professional level and become a true ChatGPT expert.

What is a ChatGPT Prompt?

A ChatGPT prompt is user input that is provided to the artificial intelligence language model to generate a relevant and consistent response.

A prompt can be a question, a statement, or any form of information that is used as input to the model.

The purpose of the prompt is to help guide the model to generate a specific response that is relevant and useful to the user.

There are different strategies and techniques to create effective prompts that allow obtaining better results in the generation of text with ChatGPT.

What is the Structure of a ChatGPT Prompt?

For ChatGPT to provide a relevant and valuable response, it is essential that the message is well structured. The request must include 4 essential elements:

1.   The role or profession that ChatGPT intends to play when generating the response

The initial aspect of specifying the intended role or job to generate the answer is crucial as ChatGPT is a machine learning technology built to provide solutions to various fields and domains.

It is beneficial to define the role from which ChatGPT is required to act, such as medical, financial or legal analyst, to ensure the highest accuracy and relevance of the response.

2.   The specific topic or task that ChatGPT needs to address

In order for ChatGPT to provide the correct answer, the task or question presented must be unambiguous and well defined. If the topic is too broad or unclear, the answer may not be relevant or helpful to the question posed.

3.   The relevant context or scope of the topic or task

To give a useful and relevant answer, it is important to take into account the context or extent of the topic or task. This provides additional detail and clarity to the request, helping to avoid generic responses.

It is also important to define the format and tone of the response, for example by using a table or a list and determining the desired communication style.

By providing the right context, ChatGPT answers can be more accurate and better fit the specific question being asked.

4.   The audience or recipient of the response

The fourth crucial aspect is to identify the target audience for the response. This helps ChatGPT to give a proper and relevant response to the recipients.

In case the answer is aimed at a wider audience, it is essential to keep it simple and avoid the use of technical jargon. However, if the response is aimed at a specialized audience, it should be more detailed and technical.

Please note that if any of these elements are not included, the ChatGPT response may be ineffective.

The 7 Most Useful Words to Develop Good Prompts for ChatGPT

There are ideal words or phrases that will allow you to develop good prompts for ChatGPT.

Among the most useful are:

1.- Act

With the word act you can tell ChatGPT the role from which you want it to provide the results.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Act as a financial analyst and provide a plan that allows a client with a monthly income of $2,000 and expenses of $1,200 to buy a house in two years."

2.- Create

This phrase is widely used to develop programming code. Also to generate tools such as tables, data panels or any element that must be generated.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Create a table with the 10 best websites for the sale of vehicle parts in Santiago de Chile."

3.- Analyze

This is a special word for generating results based on data. For example, you can ask the tool: "Analyze the 10 best websites for the sale of vehicle parts in Santiago de Chile and Create a table in descending order based on the number of visits they have."

4.- Ideas

It is an ideal assistant to support creative processes such as business generation, advertising, content, among others.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Give me 5 ad concept ideas to create an engaging campaign for Facebook Ads that will sell facials to women ages 30-55 living in Mexico."

5.- Summarize

Ideal for when you need to obtain a short text on a specific topic, it can be a historical aspect, news or a topic of interest.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Summarize the reasons for the conflict between Lebanon and Israel."

6.- Write

This word returns general information about a topic. You can ask him to make a story, an exercise routine or maybe a recipe.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Write a pitch to sell a Content Marketing conference in 30 seconds."

7.- Tone

By using the term "Tone" you can direct him to adopt a specific style of communication or modify his response to the tone of your preference.

You can employ various tones of communication, including emotional, informative, persuasive, humorous, authoritative, and other similar options.

For example, you can ask the tool: "Write a persuasive script for a YouTube video that sells a digital marketing tool."

Tips for Creating Effective Prompts for ChatGPT

●       Make the request as specific as possible.

●       Include relevant keywords or phrases.

●       Add additional instructions or details by combining phrases from those specified above.

It is necessary to take into account that the quality and effectiveness of the prompt will depend to a large extent on the ability of the person who writes it to identify the relevant keywords and terms and to write a clear and precise question.

The goal is to provide enough information and context so that the model can generate a high-quality, useful response to the user.


Creating effective prompts for ChatGPT only requires an understanding of how this artificial intelligence works.

If you want to obtain relevant results, you must use a structure that includes the role from which artificial intelligence should act, what it should develop, under what context or scope, and the audience to which it is directed.

In this guide we also share the best phrases to create the most effective prompts. You only need to be as precise as possible in your request, include keywords and combine phrases or instructions to get the most out of this latest generation tool.

What phrases are your favorite when interacting with ChatGPT? Would you let me know in the comments? Thanks for your time 😉
