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Social Media: 5 Free Tools to Schedule Posts

Social networks are today one of the most powerful digital instruments to promote products and services with great reach and at a very low cost. However, it is also true that daily publication requires a lot of effort and dedication.

As an entrepreneur, you don't have all the time to devote exclusively to social media. There are other fields that need to be addressed to move your business or personal brand forward.

This is why the most appropriate thing, whether you manage your business networks directly or dedicate yourself to working in this field for others, is to rely on tools that facilitate the publication of content without the need to remain connected to them. all the time as the algorithms expect.

Below, you will find 5 free tools to automatically publish your posts on social networks.


1.- Creator Studio



CreatorStudio is a free tool that is available for managing Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts. It allows you to make mass publications, track interactions, and also respond to comments and messages.

This is a space to manage organic posts within these social networks. It supports uploading stories, regular posts with text, images and videos as well as live broadcasting within Facebook.

While on Instagram it allows you to post videos, sequences, photos, stories and IGTV. It has a calendar with which you will be able to observe all the programming of each one of the accounts that you have associated by month or by day.

It is very easy to use, it only requires clicking on the green button that is located in the upper left region that indicates Create publication



Then, it will ask you to indicate if you want Feed or video, in the case of Instagram.



In case of Feed, you choose the account you want to work with. Next, enter the text of the post with the hashtag you want, the location if you want to indicate it, the video or the photos, as well as the date and time you require the publication to be effective and press the Publish button.



In case you want to upload an Instagram video, indicate the accompanying text, select where it will be published, as well as the date and time you want it to become effective.



To program the publications on Facebook, it is only necessary to click on the Facebook button that is located in the upper central region, press the Create button, then the Create publication option.

Then, you choose the page through which you want to publish, add the text as well as the photos, video or indicate if you want to make a live broadcast. Add the location, if you wish, put the date and time you want the publication to be made and click on Publish.



2.- TweetDeck

TweetDeck is a tool created to manage posts on Twitter. It belongs to the social network itself, so to access it you need to log in with your account or access it from the browser in which it is open.

It allows you to monitor many aspects at once such as notifications, messages, trends, mentions and more. It is very easy to use and very flexible in terms of configuration.

It only requires a click on the Tweet button, adding the text along with the hashtags you need. Then, add the images or video that will accompany your publication, in Schedule Tweet add the time and date with which you want to schedule and press the button that indicates Tweet at … to finish.




3.- Pinterest


This social network has its own publication scheduler so you will not have to access an additional tool to achieve this. It is very easy to use, it only requires having a company page and clicking on the Create pin button.

Add the image or video, the title with the link, the description with the hashtag and choose the Post later option. In this way, the options to include the date and time will appear, select the board and click on Publish so that it is scheduled.



4.- YouTube Studio

This is the tool provided by YouTube itself, therefore it is the best alternative to program your videos. In YouTube Studio It is very easy to program the content, since it only requires accessing the Create option located in the upper right menu and then choosing Upload video.



Select the video you want to publish, add a title, description, a thumbnail, add it to a playlist if you want, specify if it is content for children or not.



It will also be necessary to add the tags, if you want the subtitles to be certified, date and place of recording, the category, if you want comments to be allowed, add end screens, cards.

It will specify if the video infringes copyright, in addition, it is necessary to indicate if you want to save it as public, private or hidden, as well as the date and time in which you want the publication to become effective.



Finally, click on Schedule.


5.- Hoot suite



It allows you to schedule posts on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube and Pinterest accounts. To use your free account you can display 5 posts in a month on up to two social networks.

It is an excellent option for Linkedin since it requires fewer posts to achieve a professional presence.

It is only necessary to click on the New post option, add the text, then upload the multimedia content, indicate the date and time that you require the publication to become effective and click on the Schedule button to make the programming effective.

With this you will be able to cover the free publications in the most used social networks today.



Social networks are a powerful tool to promote products and services with a wide reach and at a very low cost. However, it is an activity that demands a lot of time and effort that as entrepreneurs it is necessary to also dedicate to other tasks.

5 free tools to schedule your social media posts:

  • Creator Studio for Facebook and Instagram.
  • TweetDeck for Twitter.
  • Pinterest with its native programmer.
  • Youtube Studio for Youtube.
  • Hootsuite that will help you to program Linkedin with its free plan.

Thanks for your time ;-)
